" i CARE, i SHARE, i SERVE "

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Malaysia not prepared to face crisis

The Qur’an was handed down to mankind by Allah to serve as a guide. It contains the very truest accounts, bringing glad tidings to man, warning us and instilling fear in us. It is a great mercy and the sole Divine Book. For that reason, it is the Qur'an that people must read and study above all else.

Prophet Yusuf (known in the Bible as Joseph), is one of those prophets about whose life the Qur’an has most to say. Almost all of Surah Yusuf, one of the longest in the Qur'an, is devoted to his life and that of his family. Early on in this Surah, Allah reveals that his life story contains important indications, proofs and wisdom:

Prophet Yusuf indicated that there are seven (7) years of peace and prosperity followed by seven (7) years of chaos and turmoil. Basically, his teaching advises us to always prepare for the worst and to overcome the crisis by preparing before the crisis happens.

Malaysia, an Islamic country have not learnt from Prophet Yusuf’s teaching and apply his wisdom in preparing Malaysia to face the recent number of crisis faced namely floods in Johor, shortage of rice and recently the hike in oil prices.

After 50 years of independence, Malaysia is still not prepared. We have a Master Plan but the plan is not far-sighted and is very myopic (short-sighted). The government had not done a proper planning resulting in the Rakyat suffering most of the time when the crisis happens.

The government need to buck up and do better in their planning so that the Rakyat will continue to live peacefully, progressively and prosperously. Not only the government, we as Rakyat Malaysia must also plan to ensure that we are ready for any crisis situation ... the property slump, stock market crash and global recession which will hit us soon?


Anonymous said...

Datuk you are right what u wrote. After 50 years of independence we are only good at "No Action Talk Only"

There is a Chinese criticism to those who don't plan "when you want to shit, you start digging the hole"

The government always claim to have a plan but most of the time the plan doesn't work. Now all of us are really suffering thanks to the lousy planning.

A kind reminder to all (BN or Opposition parties serving in the 5states) from PM down to Politician, Wakil Rakyat, Adun etc etc...we pay u to serve, please serve us well.

The recent election had shown to the Politician including the PM that the BOSS is the people, the Rakyat ... The Boss is always right. If people don't like u, the people will vote u O U T, out.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your have stated 3 predictions at the end of your comment:

1. Property Slump
2. Stock Market Crash
3. Global Recession

We know the global recession is on the way from USA and the West. But roughly when do you forsee the property slump will hit us? What about the stock market crash.. we had one in July 1997... is it coming in July 2008?